Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Ruthless by Carolyn Lee Adams

Thriller is the word that comes to mind when I think about this book. Ruth Carver was going about her life as usual when she is suddenly kidnapped at the mercy of a serial killer. She is a level headed tough girl, but he has experience and a goal to make her his next victim. She must survive the elements in an unknown place with only herself to rely on. Will she be his next victim, or will she escape to see her next birthday?  

Cold Weather is Coming...Snuggle Up with a Great Book!

Here's one I recommend!  This story offers it all!  Mystery, adventure, intrigue, family secrets, love, betrayal, competition, and acceptance. Avery VanDemere is a 17 year old girl from a wealthy family.  Her strict grandmother has raised her. She is waiting to turn 18 so she can go out on her own and get out from under her grandmother's control. But it isn't that simple. Can it be that running from her family might be the thing that brings them back together? Don't miss the adventure as they travel the world solving riddles to win the right to run the company business and gain the family wealth!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Welcome to the 2017-18 School Year

We are so thrilled about all of the exciting things we have going on in our OHS Library Media Center this year! Based on student request, we are expanding our Gateway Reading Club to include any and all reading students want to share. 

We will still be offering the Gateway portion as we have in the past complete with quizzes or reading response logs and blog posts. 

There's no time like now to share your thoughts about what you read this summer and recommend some great reads!

~Mrs. Christensen